Sunday, May 18, 2008

Big Green Egg Class

On Saturday May 17th my wife and I taught the 2008 Big Green Egg class for our sponsor Swim World. This years class was full and I could definitely tell there were some seasoned users in the audience. Last year I felt that I kinda went over everyone's head with theory about BBQ. It's hard to take the competition mindset out of the equation, even if you are trying to be as universal and basic so you can get through to everyone.
Marc was unable to make it and his presence was surely missed. I think the class will remember his name since I kept saying "I wish Marc was here." For two hours the class went and for two hours I worked on pulling off quality food while answering questions and manning two eggs I realized I should have put side by side , but for the sake of having it look good I dealt it.
On the menu there was first what I call Power Smoked Chicken, which i nothing more than chicken smoked at 400* with the place setter accessory. Next I lost track of the medium egg and let it get up to 550* before I knew it. I made the decision that due to time constraints I had to go ahead and grill it at that temp. I just laid a piece of aluminum foil down under to protect the bottom. It was seasoned with our Stardust seasoning along with sime Master Que seasoning and it came out great. I had my doubts at that temp, but it looks like I may do it at that temp from now on. Talk about juicy. They ran all over the table as I sliced it. Next we grilled some shrimp using some Tiger Sauce and they were a big hit. We next baked a pizza and tried to figure out why one of our attendees was burning his all the time. The pizza came of really good and for the first time I got a crispy crust all the way around. Lastly, we baked chocolate chip cookies on the egg. Not as easy as I thought but none the less they came off pretty tasty.
All in all I felt is was a pretty good class. At times I wondered if I was not going far enough into the "why's and how's" but every seemed to learn something that may help them as they go into their own world to produce good times and great food for their friends and family and after all isn't that what it's all about?

1 comment:

Kevin Sandridge said...

Kamado style grilling and smoking as a real art form. I've noticed more and more of these style grills hit the market. The Big Green Egg is obviously the front runner, but there are viable and less expensive versions out there.

Kevin - from the BBQ Smoker Site.